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Thursday, October 22, 2009

You pin it to your fucking heart like the rest of us

I emailed Billy at 5:30 tonight. It's now 9:12 and I haven't heard from him. He had lunch at 8. Grr. It's really not hard to check your phone. Why have a cell phone if you don't use it?

This weekend Hunter needs to pick out a Halloween costume. He hasn't decided on his yet. He wanted to be a clown at first. Then Woody from Toy Story and a few other things. Hopefully we can find something this close to Halloween. We bought Ryder's in September. He's going to be Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba. I tried persuading Hunter to be DJ Lance Rock. He wouldn't do it.

I really can't wait till I see pomegranates in stores. It should be really soon. I hate that they aren't available all year round :(

What I'm listening to: For the Travelers by Nora

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