Fender turned 3 months old on the 11th! I can't believe that he's that old already! It seems like yesterday that I was waiting patiently for his arrival.

Every month on the 11th, I take a picture of Fender next to Brobee.
(Yo Gabba Gabba character! It's Ryder's. He's obsessed with YGG!) He's getting so big. He has outgrown all newborn cloths. He just grew out of his pajama gowns. I'm sad. I love, love, love gowns. They are super easy for nighttime diaper changes. Oh, speaking of diapers, he's officially outgrown Kissaluv size 0.
:tear: It's going to be bittersweet getting rid of them, since he's our last kid.

He loves this

On a sidenote, I am growing sandwich sprouts! I got the seeds at a local health food store. They should be entirely grown and ready to eat in 5 days...well it's 3 more days now.

Day 1

Day 2.
2 singin' sweet songs:
Happy 3 months little guy!!! Time goes by way too fast!
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