Day 26

My dog, Oreo, looking all cute sleeping. I wish he did a little more of this, lol.
Day 27

My oldest looking a bit older. :sniff: Where has the time gone?
Day 28

We packed the family up and took a trip (a mere five miles) to go antique shopping. We love going to antique shops!
Day 29

My mom came to visit me and I decided that I wanted to go shopping at Walgreens with her. She works there and I can use her discount! Anyways, as we were leaving we heard a meow. We looked around and a cat came under her car. I knew that there was a terrible snow storm coming (a.k.a. the snowpocalypse) and me being the animal lover I am, I couldn't leave it outside. We've put up found kitten notices all over. If she belongs to someone, I would like to find her owners. If not, I guess she'll be a part of our family.
Day 30
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