My mother in law is coming here this weekend. Which means I have to take precautions with hiding my things. One of his sister may take something. It's happened before. It's a pain in the butt having to worry if someone is going to steal while they are here. Maybe she won't come? She's been willingly living in a car with her boyfriend. Even though MIL says she can stay there. The worst part of the situation is that she has a 6 month old daughter. She doesn't take care of her. Her daughter stays with MIL. Kinda cool considering she tried her hardest to get pregnant.
I have to go now. Ryder is done jumping in his horse.
What I'm listening to: Collusionist by Most Precious Blood
1 singin' sweet songs:
Well, that's a shame you have to worry about that stuff. But the Yo Gabba Gabba stuff is awesome!
nice to meet you!
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